Since the creation of electronic books (a.k.a. eBooks), the use of printed books have been on the decline. Is this for better or for worse? Printed books take more energy to make and are “worse” for the environment. However, old school readers will never be able to replace a printed, bound book. Books have always been a prime source of information. However, with the advent of e-publishing, books are facing the possible threat of extinction. Is this disappearance for the greater good or is the world losing a valuable cornerstone of culture?
In the debate of eBooks versus print books, I am 100% for printed books. The thought of sitting outside under the sun with a light breeze, cold Coke on the table in front of me, snacks surrounding me, and a great book in my hands sounds intensely appealing. There is not much better than doing that. Having an eBook is just not the same. You can’t flip the pages, can’t feel the book in your hands, and worst of all, can’t smell the intoxicating aroma of an old book.
It’s dusk on summer night. I’m sitting with my feet in my pool. I have an ice cold Coke and a bag of Tostitos next to me. The heat of the day has subsided and the light breeze plays over my face, cooling me. As comfortable as I can be, I reach behind me and grab my brand new book. It is a beautiful, leather-bound book with paper painted gold. It’s a classic: Dante’s Inferno. Cracking it open to the first page I see a gorgeously drawn depiction of Hell. The new book smell mixes with the smell of Tostitos and the warm summer night. Flipping through the pages, feeling the spine crack ever so slightly with each page-flip, I realize this is truly perfection. Who wouldn’t love a summer night like this? With an eBook this is not possible. You can’t have a well-designed, exquisite classic, can’t flip the pages of the book, and worst of all can’t smell the enchanting aroma of new books.
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