Leaving for work, you get onto the highway, which you have noticed is much safer than in the past. There are fewer accidents and less road rage as well as less speeding. Getting closer to work, you pull off the highway and into the parking lot of your new job.
After being out of a job for two years, you were finally able to find a job and you have been enjoying it. Your coworkers are very compatible and you are able to work efficiently. On the way to pick up your first paycheck, you say hello to Sean O’Malley. Reaching the desk, LaQuisha Johnson hands you your paycheck and you are surprised by how much money it is. The amount of money taken out of the paycheck for taxes has drastically dropped. Is this too good to be true? Is this a utopian society? Nope. This is a possibility that is very attainable.
The current American financial crisis can be directly related to the influx of illegal immigrants. The past plans to solve the current crisis have failed so a more drastic solution must be proposed. Deportation of all illegal immigrants is the only solution to the financial crisis.
After being out of a job for two years, you were finally able to find a job and have been enjoying it. Leaving for work, you get onto the highway, which you notice is much safer than in the past. There are fewer accidents and less road rage, as well as less speeding. Getting closer to work, you pull off the highway and into the parking lot of your new job. You walk into the building and say hi to your coworkers, who work well as a group. Reaching the desk, LaQuisha Johnson hands you your paycheck and you are surprised by how much money it is. The amount of money taken out of the paycheck for taxes has drastically dropped. Is this too good to be true? Is this a utopian society? Nope. This is a possibility that is very attainable for all Americans willing to fight for a change.
The current American financial crisis can be directly related to the influx of illegal immigrants. The past plans to solve the current crisis have failed so a more drastic solution must be proposed. Deportation of all illegal immigrants is the only solution to the financial crisis.
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